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Showing posts from August, 2011

Where Did the Time Go?

Hello Friends. Where did the time go?  It's a statement that runs through my mind numerous times a day.  I'm always pushing the limits.  Just five more minutes on the treadmill, just one more minute on Facebook, whatever it may be I'm wondering when I will learn that there aren't any more minutes in my day.   Something always has to give.  It's something I'm trying to drill into my children as well.  I'm sure it's a universal thing, but mine are always trying to negotiate one more minute to do this or that.  Ava 1 Day Old On another 'time' is it that I have an 11 year old child? (well, almost 11)  I dropped her off at the 'babysitting' course today.  I found myself surrounded by other mothers and daughters, many of whom we went to 'Small World' pre-school with a decade ago.  It was a moment for me.  Ava 3 yrs Old We aren't close friends, but I see these mo...