Hello Friends, I will warn you that this post is not about food or exercise...it's not even about Christmas or a suggestion that you buy something from my clothing store this Holiday Season. No, this post is about the heart, my heart, a heavy heart because of what happened in Newtown,Connecticut. A sentiment I'm sure you all share because you are parents, and even if you are not, you are human. I don't want to talk about gun control, or de-ranged people...I want to talk about EVIL...that vile presence that we try to keep out of our daily existence...yet sometimes it is just too big and powerful to block out. What is it's purpose? I am struggling to find some sense in the slaughter of children. I find myself awake in the early morning hours with terrifying images in my mind. More than once I've had to get out of bed to 'walk them off'. We have seen the pictures of the beautiful children, the moving tributes but many peop...