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Showing posts from March, 2013

Quest Bar Cookies!

Hello Friends, Many of you may know that I am a fan of Quest Bars.   Sugar free, gluten free, low carb.  Here's the link for all the nutrional info on them. Anyway, I was super excited about the new cookie dough flavour that's been released, but alas, it's not available in Canada....I wanted to try it because my friendly neighbourhood FUEL Supplements store owner, Aaron, told me he heard you could bake them up like little cookies. Well, that got me to thinking.  Why would it be limited to the cookie dough variety, why not peanut butter or apple pie.  With just a few available moments this morning I tried great.  Instead of noshing into a bar, I nibbled on 10 tiny cookies...crispy on the outside, soft and chewy on the inside. Here's how I did it. I chose to use the Peanut Butter Flavour.  I cut the bar into squares and placed on a tinfoil covered baking sheet, misted with PAM. ...

Sandwich Time!

Hello Friends, I'm just back from a glorious Mexican All-Inclusive Vacation.  When I hear the words 'all-inclusive' two things come to and booze!  Combine those with a bikini and my anxiety goes into over-drive. Those of you who follow my blog, know about my food and body issues.  A year (2012) of competing in figure competitions and the extremely strict diet that comes with them have both helped and hobbled me when it comes to accepting how I look.  I know how I look 20 pounds lighter...and quite frankly I liked it.  However, I also know that a continuous diet of fish, yams and spinach does not a life make.  So I am working continuously to balance it all out. My downfall on this trip were the delightful little sandwiches that arrived at our pool every day at 11:30.  Some days they were shiny little buns stuffed with tuna salad, other days coissants with ham and cucumber.  There were clubhouse style (with white bread of ...