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Showing posts from June, 2011

May-jor Excitment!!

Hello Friends! This is the most excited I've been about a food find in a while!!  I've been eating 100% clean, no sugar etc. for 10 days now.  I feel fantastic, but sometimes there is a need for a bite or two of something sweet!  I came across a recipe from Jamie Eason for Protein Ice Cream.  It's very simple to make...and the possibilities are endless.  My kids and my husband were amazed. Basically it's 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk (regular, vanilla or chocolate) 1.5 scoops of protein powder (I used chocolate/peanut butter) Fill a large ziploc bag half full of ice and pour in half a cup of table salt. (not your fancy sea salt...just regular because you are not eating this...salt makes the ice colder!) Mix your protein powder and almond milk in a bowl, then transfer to a small ziploc bag.  Seal it, place it inside the large bag and then seal that.  Now put on some oven mits (or something to keep your hands from freezing) and shake for abou...

Save a Dog ~ Eat a Fish!

Hello Friends, Well it's been a few days...some changes have been occuring that have kept me from the computer keyboard.  Nothing, life or death, just some moral and physical dilemma's that have forced me to look deeper at what I believe and the life I intend to create for myself.  I made the decision to adopt a Vegan lifestyle in February.  I later became an almost-Vegan when I added Whey (milk) protein back into my diet.  This week I became Vegetarian (for reasons I will discuss at a later date) I added egg whites, cottage cheese and yogurt back in.  Last night, I became a 'Pesce Vegetarian' as I prepared and ate a meal of fish.  Sounds like a slippery slope, doesn't it?  I can assure you though, this is as far as I intend to go.  I don't like labelling anything, we are all free to eat the way we want.  In many respects, a diet free of animals and animal products was a positive choice for me.  However, in terms of my da...

Message Received (loud and clear)!

Hello Friends, I've had some moments recently where I've been feeling taken advantage of.  I'm keeping it real doesn't really matter what the situation was, I just know I spent a lot of time thinking about how lucky 'those people' were that I was so understanding!  Anyway, I was out for a run yesterday with Dr. Wayne Dyer chatting at me in my ipod.  He related a poem that caused me to actually stop in my tracks and laugh out loud!  "Wayne, how did you know I needed to hear this?" The Cookie Thief ~ Valerie Cox A woman was waiting at an airport one night With several long hours before her flight She hunted for a book in the airport shop Bought a bag of cookies and found a place to drop She was engrossed in her book but happened to see That the man beside her as bold as could be Grabbed a cookie or two from the bag between Which she tried to ignore to avoid a scene She munched cookies and watched the clock As this gutsy cookie thi...

Supplementing your life...

Hello Friends! How many vitamins and supplements do you take?  I'm always reading health magazines that tell me I should be taking 'this' and 'that'...but how much of it is really necessary?  My husband would say none of it is...he loses his mind when I come home with bottles of pills. I feel I have whittled it down to a respectable number of bottles...I even bought a little pill organzier to keep it all straight.  OK, so here it goes.  This is what I take on a daily basis. Vitamin B.  As a vegetarian I'm not getting B12 in my food...this is the solution. Don't you find you just have more energy when you take Vitamin B?  Someone also told me you lean out when you have B6...don't know if it's true..but I like thinking that it is! Here's some bone builder...standard.  Although, my mother-in-law says something about too much Calcium actually having the opposite effect on our bones???  Ugghh...who knows?  I'm taking it anyway! He...

If you were a tree....

Good morning friends! It's one of those mornings that is perfect in it's simpleness.  Sunshine, blue sky, my trusted four legged friend lying at my feet as I sip my tea by the pool.  Warm sun on my face, lush greenery surrounds me (bless the rains!) and my gaze lands on this... A perfect tree.  Fresh leaves glistening in the sun.  This was actually one of three trees we planted several years ago.  Two were later removed when we put in the pool.  This was the 'runt' tree.  It was smaller than the others.  It got it's leaves much later than the others and dropped them weeks earlier.  We always commented on this 'stunted' tree.  Interesting how it was the only one that survived the backyard demolition. As I pondered the beauty of this tree this morning...I didn't initially remember it's history.  I was completely absorbed by this perfect work of nature.  When I started thinking back, about the other trees, I had a...