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Supplementing your life...

Hello Friends!

How many vitamins and supplements do you take?  I'm always reading health magazines that tell me I should be taking 'this' and 'that'...but how much of it is really necessary?  My husband would say none of it is...he loses his mind when I come home with bottles of pills.

I feel I have whittled it down to a respectable number of bottles...I even bought a little pill organzier to keep it all straight.

OK, so here it goes.  This is what I take on a daily basis.
Vitamin B.  As a vegetarian I'm not getting B12 in my food...this is the solution.

Don't you find you just have more energy when you take Vitamin B?  Someone also told me you lean out when you have B6...don't know if it's true..but I like thinking that it is!

Here's some bone builder...standard.  Although, my mother-in-law says something about too much Calcium actually having the opposite effect on our bones???  Ugghh...who knows?  I'm taking it anyway!

Here is Alpha Lipoic Acid. (R+ALA) I stumbled on this one after sending my bestie to get me some CLA...she came out with this because..."the guy at the store said it was better!"  LOL!  Anyway I swear I feel just a bit 'tighter' in the mid section when I take it.
Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is a vitamin-like antioxidant, sometimes referred to as the “universal antioxidant” because it is soluble in both fat and water. ALA is manufactured in the body and is found in some foods, particularly liver and yeast.

As I understand it helps regulate insulin.  It's been used in the treatment of diabetes, migraines and glaucoma to name a few.  You take it before a meal.  I have one in the morning and usually one before dinner.

Next up...the metabolism booster (so THEY say)  Apple Cider Vinegar.  This particular brand has some green tea in it too.

And finally...

...more Apple Cider Vinegar...the real thing with all the floaties in it.  Raw and unfiltered.  Supposedly, if you take a shot of this before a meal it helps you digest.  It's said that people with chronic indigestion often reach for an antacid to help calm an angry stomach...but in some cases the discomfort is a result of not enough acid to properly digest food.'s supposed to make your stomach I'm in!  (Tastes out of this world horrible, though...)

So that's a little trip through my vitamin cupboard.  I know that supplementing does not replace a good diet...I also know I probably need to put some IRON in there somewhere...but this is my best effort at staying healthy and energized (for now anyway...)

Time to share...let's hear from you!



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