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Watch Yourself Soar

Hello Friends!

It's been a while!  It has been a crazy few months that now find me in a completely new, hectic but unbelievably rewarding routine.

For those of you who don't know, I've gone back to CHBC TV as Producer/Anchor of CHBC News at 11.  It's a position I worked in for almost nine years, but left six years ago to pursue other passions--fashion and small business.

Now, I'm doing both and managing family and household.  At first thought, it seems impossible but it has all fallen into place. I still have the store - Influence.  I work there in the morning, however, I have reduced my actual 'in store' time.  I still pick up my girls from school and ferry them to their various extra-curriculars.  I still make dinner and eat it with my family.  The change comes after dinner.  Instead of curling up on the couch, I slip into a skirt and blazer and head off to work.  It's a whirlwind that sees me return to my driveway at 12:22am!  (that's exactly the time I roll in)

It's been two full weeks now and I can report I am holding up very well.  I feel vital and fulfilled!  There are however a few necessities I have come to lean on daily!  I want to share them because I know many of you are just as busy.

Of course, right?  A Starbucks Americano, but there's a twist.  It needs to be a Grande Americano in a Venti cup.  I stumbled upon this quite by accident, but trust me there's something about holding that big cup, with room to swirl the coffee inside, that is most satisfying!  I have two of these a day!  Dr. Oz says I can!

Ahhh!  A sleep mask.  A necessity for catching some zzzz's during the daylight hours.  Two days a week I nap and can report that I fall asleep swiftly and stay asleep for a glorious 90 minutes wearing this little number!

Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap.  This peppermint oil soap is the best to soak sore, tired muscles.  Something about this all natural, vegan, fair trade product just makes you feel better.  There are no bubbles, but lots of little words on the bottle...something to read while you are soaking!

Just a few examples of the things I find myself using all the time now.  There are more routines I am establishing and I will share those later. 

Finally, for all of you busy women out there, I offer this:  Make sure the things that keep you busy are things you love to do.  If it's not 'lifting you up' it needs to go.  That goes for people as well.  Surround yourself with positive, supportive, high-functioning folks. You deserve it!  Being busy forces you to be efficient.  Let go of whatever drags you down and watch just how high you can soar.

Until next time....Toby


  1. Great blog Toby.... Good for you for going back to something you love. Have fun, take care and see you soon!! Cheers! Tamilee


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