Hello Friends!

We all love a good sale. That feeling of getting more value for less dollars. In that spirit, I have to share with you my most recent fitness obsession that really is a Buy One Get One scenario.
I am the first to admit I'm not really faithful to any one form of fitness exclusively for more than a few months. I get bored...
...and I don't apologize for that. Fitness is part of my daily life and if it's not fun then I can't be bothered. So, after a pretty regular gym routine for the past few years in prep for bodybuilding competitions, I was ready for something entirely different.
That's when Kelowna HIT opened it's doors.
HIT is a high intensity, interval, kick-boxing workout that is unlike anything I've ever done. It's done in a circuit style, two minutes at 12 different stations, alternating between upper body, lower body and abs. It in no way resembles other women's only, circuit style workouts, in fact, I can't remember the last time I felt so invigorated and exhausted at exactly the same time.
Each two minute stop is divided into eight 15 second intervals which means you alternate high intensity with super-charged intensity. Oh, and the best part, it's all done in 30 minutes. That is a smart workout.
When it comes to results, let me tell you it's a full body experience. I've been at it now for about six months. I still run occasionally but have not picked up a dumbell since starting HIT. My whole body is tight: quads, hamstrings, abs, biceps, triceps and shoulders. Abs and shoulders are where I notice the most new definition.
Now about the BOGO...HIT is strength training, cardio, self defense and tension release all rolled into one. I guess that makes it BOGF (four!)
End the round with Bob!
Punching, kicking, throwing elbows and knees at inanimate objects is much better than losing your cool on a fellow human being. I always leave feeling de-stressed and empowered. (Anyone who meets me in a dark alley better watch out, I can throw kicks and punches for two minutes straight!)
Give it a try, Nicole and Jenna are great, always on the floor to challenge you and offer up new combinations. For me, that's enough to keep HIT from becoming exercise road kill on this journey to keep fitness fun.
Until next time...
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